Hook: I was so nervous. My stomach was filled with butterflies.
Thursday 11th of September was the day that Cross Country was held. Every year there is a cross country and it is held on the school field. Do you know what cross country is? Well, cross country is the day that the whole school comes together and we run long distances.
In every cross country, there are house captains. Not a real house, and are they captains? No. The house captains for our house colours are: Te Arawa (red), Tainu (blue), Mataatua (green), and Takitimu (yellow).
Students were running in years 1 to 8 boys and girls. At the starting line Mr Burt (our principal) was the one that started us off. Mr Burt prepares the clappers, “Ready, set, go!” and the year 1 boys were off and cross country had begun.
At the beginning of the race I sprinted, but once I got out of the gate, I just jogged and walked. In the middle of the race I was getting so tired and thirsty, but I just had to keep on going, and never give up. When I was running, I was running with my friend Anisha. Anisha and I just kept on persevering and we didn’t give up. We just had to last the full 2 laps.
On the course, teachers and helpers were standing at different points to direct us students towards the way that we had to run. Teachers were encouraging us to persevere and to just keep on running.
At the end of everything and everyone finished running around the course, all of the students assembled together on the hard courts. The house captains had to do their team chants, and Mr Burt said a karakia. My house is Takitimu, in case you didn’t know that already. After all of that was done all of the students could go back to class.
Overall, I think cross country was a good thing to do to get fit. Every year cross country is held and I look forward to it every year. If you didn’t know this whole sporting event was all organised by Ms Vaafusuaga our sports coordinator. She organised everything with a little help from students.
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